Tag Archives: reading

80/20 Principle

“There is no value in doing things you don’t enjoy.

Do the things that you like doing. Make them your job. Make your job them. Nearly everyone who has become rich has had the added bonus of becoming rich doing things they enjoy.”

Isn’t this a simple and almost common sense kind of concept?

Yes, do things we love. But somehow we just don’t do them enough.

Why? Because we have to make a living.

Why can’t we do things we love as a living?

We can! We just have to choose what we really want to do in our lives and make it happen.

Think for a moment what you truly love spending time in. What makes you smile when you think about this? Take a minute or two to really dig deep and think about it, nothing too small or strange or meaningless or useless here. Just something close to your heart and soul, to your core, to your belief, to your hopes and dreams, to your faith, to your life purpose.

Take a deep breathe in. Pause. Wait. It shall come to you.

That one thought would be your true calling.

If it hasn’t come to you yet, it’s ok. Do this exercise often, until you find it. It is important. You know it is, because you have been feeling so lost all these years haven’t you? Going in to the office day by day, month by month, year by year, and you feel, nothing, but exhaustion and frustration.

Some of you might be better, not exactly feeling so bad, but not exactly feeling so great either, no? Don’t you want to feel hopeful going to bed at night so that you wake up fully rested in the next morning feeling excited about going to work? Have you ever felt that way about your work? Or simply, your life?

If you have never felt this way, my friend, this is wrong way of living. I am not saying wrong to criticize how you do this, but you have not been treating yourself kindly. You deserve better treatment, and you are responsible for taking care of yourself to live the way you want to live, to have a life you want to have, to have a job you want to go work at.

It is your life in the making, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year. It’s slipping away through your fingers, are you still waiting for some magic or miracle, a lottery, to help you get out of this situation you so not want to be in?

Let me remind you, my friend, you chose to stay. In fact, you are still choosing it.

Not changing the situation you are in is a choice. You have chosen to stay in the rut.

Maybe you think I am being harsh. In fact, I am being compassionate and concerned about your well being.

I don’t want you to feel like this anymore. I don’t.

Let’s start a revolution here. Let’s start a new chapter in our lives together. Together we can. Shall we?

I am going to share more with you my readings and thoughts to empower you so you too can find your purpose and happiness in life, because, as I mentioned earlier, and I would like to stress again,



Self Wonder.

I Remember.

The time we had in bed was most beautiful.

It was not just because we were in the act of it.

It was the way you concentrated fully on me. The only time you ever put your whole focus on me. Or least in the act with me.

I could feel your full presence. The only moment, and the most precious moment we had together. I had the whole you with me. And that was most beautiful.

I wish we had more of it. But, still, those moments were truly sensational. Maybe it was just me who felt so much about everything, and you did not even care about it. But, still, they were splendid. For that I must thank you. And I certainly hope you enjoyed them too. Or at least felt something. Something that slightly touched your heart, which is so capable of ….

And I hope you are happy. Go for it, you need it. Find someone else to be happy with, and to …. (I might not be the one whom you thought worth your while to …. but surely there would be someone you could find to do so)

I would recommend you read a book by Osho, called “Intimacy: Trusting Oneself and the Other”. Truly beautiful and insightful book. What a human being Osho was. How intelligent and funny at the same time.

I do still remember…
