Tag Archives: prick

Men are so F-ed up.

I mean, seriously. Whenever I ask someone to do some work for me online, even without knowing my gender, they always reply with “dear SIR”. REALLY?!?!? Is it only MEN can pay and ask someone to do work for them? Seriously.

And then they did the work and the drawing was a MAN????? Did they even think it could be a WOMAN doing something great at sports/music/speaking or anything that matters? I think they wouldn’t for example draw someone at a home kitchen a man as the homemaker but at a restaurant a woman as the chef? Right? You see what I am saying here? And then they “bitch” (what should be the word for the men bitching now? Why is it a word “bitch” really? oh well the list goes on, and surely if there is a man reading this he is going, “ok this writer girl is nuts and bitchy” yes?!) about oh why didn’t you tell me exactly what you want? I mean seriously, maybe you should ASK before you draw? What a MAN attitude, they never ask do they?

Fine, I am done with my rant tonight. At least I am getting done, manwhores! (again a very sexist term even related to a woman, should there be an insulting word for man only ? I should start inventing some words exclusively to insult the male gender only without writing … oh wait, “assholes”, “jerks”, “dick” … these are exclusively for men since they are the only ones to be called these terms really, and oh, “prick”, I just used this term today. GREAT WORD to insult a man!


Peace (totally contradictory to the above but anyway),

SelfWonder x