Tag Archives: Integrity

I am Grateful for Everything Happened in My Life, Good or Bad.

LIFE is full of HOPE!
LIFE is full of HOPE!

Couple days ago I had a huge revelation. I mean, life-changing kind. And I would like to share with you all here.

I don’t know how many of you have been reading my posts, and how much you might have realized that I had this constant battle between moving on with my past and struggling with it. By “my past” I mean my upbringing, my past relationship with my parents, especially that with my father. I know I know, this topic has been old, but please, bear with me for a while here. I promise this is most likely the last post I would ever write on this topic here.

Like I said in my previous post, I finally came to understanding that I needed to accept who I was. Now, this time it’s really different. During lunch with my parents a couple days back, I suddenly had this idea popped up in my head: I had been so lucky to have all these wonderful things in my life that I didn’t realize! Thanks to my parents, I got to study what I loved, I had the eye-opening chance to study abroad, to travel across countries during my study and with work which was also what I studied and was passionate about, to continue to see this world by making money with my passion, to connect with people of different nationalities and backgrounds as well as to create my own community through learning languages, reading, writing and my work. Why did I think life had been unfair to me? I should be feeling grateful for everything my wonderful parents who came from a poor background had provided me through hard work and perseverance, and above all, through love. I would be such an ungrateful person if I still thought they should have given me more and brought me up differently! I finally accepted that this had always been who I had been, and I was and still am loved by my parents dearly, and that there needed not be anything to be changed whatsoever. And now with all the experiences and knowledge that I have gained from the past, I am fully ready and charged to become the new me. The metamorphosis has begun!

I am grateful for everything happened in my life, whether it be good or bad, joyful or painful. I accept the way it was and I have moved on. I accept that it had made me a better person, equipped me for who I am now, so that I can help and inspire others to let go of their past and transform themselves into better versions of their own!

Now would you all excuse me, but I will have to retreat and create a better version of myself as well, by getting a good night’s rest before the big day tomorrow! (not wedding!)

Ciao for now, enjoy your weekend and above all, enjoy your LIFE, because it’s so precious and beautiful, every minute of it.

Love & Peace, SelfWonder x

The story of a baguette

A couple weeks ago, I accidentally stumbled into a little endearing cake shop when I was looking for a café for a nice cup of cappuccino and to wind down after some stressful work.
I was hesitant to walk in at first (because I didn’t want to have desserts), however, I was attracted by the clean yet elegant dècor of the shop. I stood in front of the lovely cake display, trying to resist the temptation of consuming any of them. My strong will against such temptation was tested by the pastry chef, whom to me initially seemed cool and well composed, yet later was completely warmed up and excited when started her detailed description about each of her creation: the lovely cakes.

To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood for any of the cakes, despite the fact that they all looked so pretty. But as the chef enthusiastically told me the ideas she created and the little steps she took behind each cake creation, I found all of them so deliciously enticing that I just wanted to try them all! The passion infused in her talk showed me her seriousness in creating her ideas and tremendous effort in making her dreams come true. Such passion resonated well inside me too, reminding me that there were still people out there fighting for their dreams every single day.

I could not resist the temptation but to have a baguette. It was wonderful, one of the few best baguettes I have ever had.
I could not resist the temptation but to have a baguette. It was wonderful, one of the few best baguettes I have ever had.

What are your dreams and how do you fight for them? Or have you forgotten what they are and hidden them somewhere deep inside you unrealized?

I hope you all have a productive week ahead, getting closer and closer to make your dreams come true!

La vie! You are a true blessing to me.

Life is a blessing to you and me!
Life is a blessing to you and me!
Sometimes it’s easy to take everything and everyone around you for granted:

The air and water, the sun and the wind, the trees and the parks, the space that we have and the shelter we live under;

The family, the parents, the friends, the colleagues, the boss, the clients, the students, the cashier at the store, the barrister at the coffee shop, the salesperson at the candle shop, the receptionist at the gym;

Even the people you don’t like, the people you disagree or cannot come to terms with, even those you actually hate or feel disgusted with;

Everything and everyone surrounds us is there for a reason, we should greet each one of them with joy and peace, with love and acceptance (or let them be that way).

When we live our lives with gratitude, we are much happier persons. Let us feel alive each moment every single day and take it all in! Life is truly wonderful this way!

Being alive is a real blessing. Once you start to understand and believe in it, you will start living your life to the fullest and make each moment count.

You all have a blessed and productive week ahead!

Purpose of My Life

I believe finally, I have found the purpose of my life.

And unbelievably, or almost ironically, it has been what I have been doing and passionate about the whole time in the past few years, in the last decade, or perhaps, even as long as I remember when I start living my life…


As I was trying to write this post on my phone, I saw I dropped down a few points on a note some time ago:

Create community
Do something people want not just out of personal interest

I don’t recall where I read the points above from, but I do think about things like this, all, the, time. Seriously, all the time, I ask myself, what is the purpose of my life if any? What do I live for? How do I live my life to the fullest and make the most out of it so that I can influence people and contribute to the world?

What I found was, most people won’t even think about these things. “What do you mean by purpose? It’s just life.” “Be happy.” “Earn more money and make my life better.” “Build a family. Have kids.” “Go to work. Get paid. Go party and spend money and have a good time, like most people do.”

I think what had stopped me from moving forward with what I had been doing was that I had a question about the last point: do something people want but not just out of personal interest. The thing that I have been passionate about is not very mainstream, so I thought maybe if I really wanted to make a difference then I should do something else, something that most people could relate to, something that could inspire and change the lives of people for the better.


Recently, I had a life crisis : not exactly a midlife one but perhaps close to, because it had come to the point that I felt like I desperately needed to make a drastic change in my career so that I could become who I truly wanted, to be more influential in other people’s lives and a more important person in the world. I felt like I could not waste my life ahead any longer, probably because I did in the past years/life, on sulking on my sad childhood and unlucky experiences, on moaning why life and people didn’t treat me better. Now that I have a new positive wonderful life, I absolutely need to start living well every single minute…

So I started to think hard, “what should I really do? What should I change?” It drove my crazy because I couldn’t figure out if this or that approach would be good, there were just so many things I thought I needed to do, but there was so little time to do everything at the same time!! Then I did this amazing thing that usually didn’t happen to me: I talked to almost every single person I met, and even called up some friend that I hadn’t seen for long time but I felt he could help me. And you know what? He did. He showed me what had been important to me and what I should focus on doing to make myself a better career and a better person, and that was what I had been working on intensely in the past few years! The conversation just cleared up my head and made me all so excited about what I had to keep doing, only with more focus and diligence, which I was more than happy to devote to my career and life.

Maybe it’s not really him who showed me the way, but it’s him who clarified my thoughts. For that I thank him tremendously. And so here we go, I am back on track to continue to serve the purpose of my life, to guide, educated and inspire others, with such work I feel grateful and truly content every single day.

I hope you all have a purposeful and fulfilling week ahead!

It’s all about choices

The choice that we make.
The choice that we make.

It’s all about choices.

It’s a choice to stay.
It’s a choice to leave.

It’s a choice to remember,
And a choice to forget.

It’s a choice to love.
It’s a choice to not to.

It’s a choice to hate,
And a choice to forgive.

It’s a choice to trust.
It’s a choice to disbelieve.

It’s a choice of faith,
And it’s a choice of doubt.

What is your choice today?

Live. Love. Matter.

Today I want to share with you all this message today:

Live. Love. Matter.

– by Brendon Burchard

I know, this guy might sound a bit repetitive and too energetic and positive to the point annoying at times, but hey, I think it really works, at least for him, and I believe for a lot of his readers like me as well.

His recurring idea is, “At the end of our lives, we are going to ask ourselves these three questions:”

Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

If you are going to watch only one video of his, this is it: here you go:
Brendon Burchard

(Anyway, the other videos of his are quite redundant after a while.)

I also found this other video on another website, but this site posts clearly the ten points from the video so if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing you can still benefit from reading the mina points quickly):


So, that’s what I have been thinking, what is my niche, what is my expertise, what should I be doing or changing to become bigger and more inspiring to other people and make a difference to the world?

It turns out I don’t have to move away from what I am already doing and what I already know. I only have to focus on it and become the expertise that everyone goes to.

And you know how I discovered that? I asked for help. By talking about it with other people who knows you and in the business, they helped me clarify my ideas. Instead of trying to figuring out all by myself in my head and do things on my own, I took time to clear my mind and discuss with others. That was such an awesome mind-blowing experience. Now I know what to do! Hurray!!

I believe everyone has a mission in life, only s/he hasn’t found out what it is yet. Keep searching, at the same time keep living. Focus on this moment, right here right now. When you worry too much about the future, it makes your head even more messed up. I’ve been there, done it, and am trying not to go there that often!

You all have a fantastic weekend, you lovely people out there! SelfWonder xoxo

Focus on what you do want to happen

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading this post. I just want to share with you this article here:

30 Things You Should Stop Putting Yourself Through

I sincerely urge you to all read it. I find it as a fantastic reminder for me. Here are a few especially great points the writer makes:

Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be.

Stop holding grudges. – Don’t live your life with hate in your heart. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate. Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.” It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”

The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.

…making one person smile CAN change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.

And most importantly for me, these two sentences just shone in front of my eyes as I read along, the light bulb in my head immediately lit up:

Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy.

Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen. – Focus on what you do want to happen.

So there you go if you don’t have time to read the whole article – but, please do! I am sure you will find it useful too!

Have a wonderful weekend ahead you all lovely readers out there! xoxo 🙂

P.S. Here is a photo from my last adventure hehe ~

I Love Travel Time!
I Love Travel Time!

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
On the eve of my Valentine’s Day this year, I worked, with two guys, in front of some fancy couples in a fancy place, with a fancy dress on.

I think it was a pretty good way to spend my Valentine’s evening, not that I would not want to spend some time with my loved one, only for the first thing I don’t have one (yet), and the second I rather enjoyed doing what I loved and made a living that way.

Actually it felt nice to earn money on a Valentine’s Day instead of spending it haha.

All the holidays and celebrations have become very commercial nowadays. It’s all about how much money you put into it, or else it might seem you are not putting enough effort to show how much you love the others.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing wrong with showering your love on the one you really adore. But, I don’t think how much you love the person should be equal to how much money you spend on him/her.I would rather think it’s the effort that counts more.

And, it’s not just about that one day you show your love with material things. It’s about the day to day care for that person you truly love.

Maybe I am being too idealistic, but isn’t what in sickness and in health really means?

Well, I have not come to that point to say and promise that to someone (yet or ever), but it doesn’t matter if one is married legally or not – what I mean is written and signed on a paper, it’s more about the faith and promise you make with each other in words and more importantly, actions.

Okay, fine, I am idealistic and romantic at heart, sue me. I just cannot help it. One cannot change the fundamentals of who she really is. And I am learning to accept the way I truly am, a person of too high moral standard and human virtues for modern standard.

I only hope I can meet someone like that (not confined to life partner only), so that I can build my community of love for myself to be in it.

Until then, happy (belated) Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope you all have/had a good one, a day blessed with true love, my beautiful readers.

I am the one and only. So are you.

You are the one and only.
You are the one and only.

I am the one and only. So are you.

I am precious and special. So are you, my dear.

I am loving and caring, cold outside but warm inside. And so are you, my darling.

I am passionate yet gentle. So are you, my love.

I am sensitive and emotional, seemingly aloof yet vulnerable deep down.  So are you,  my honey.

Do you understand and know that we are so alike?

Can we come to the conclusion that we are the same kind of person and we need a lot of patience and effort in order to be together ? Perhaps like you said, strong will? That is if we really want to, both of us. We need to work together to make this happen, to make us happen. But I do think, if we try and make it happen, it can be so right and so very good, so very good…

I am the one and only. And so are you.

Are you ready for your adventure ??

Let our adventure begins !!
Let our adventure begins !!

We are all too scared sometimes. Too scared of trying, too scared of failing, too worried about what others think and feel and say about us.

But why? Why do we have to care about what others think and feel and do? It’s not that we shouldn’t care about others’ feelings. It’s just that we should not play by others’ rules. We are us. I am me. We can be independent and interdependent and co-dependent with others as the same time no?

And why? Why are we so afraid of trying and failing? What if we try and fail? What if we try and succeed? We never know what the outcome might be unless we try. Then the outcome might be failure, might be success. But even if we fail, we know we’ve tried. And who knows, if we keep trying, one day, just one day, we would succeed? But if we stop, then we would just never know.

Fine, I am afraid too. I am afraid of taking risks. I am so comfortable with what I have and who I am now, why getting through all the effort and trouble and it might not even work at the end?? But I know, I am not that satisfied with the current situation now. It seems lacking of something. Even I am not hundred percent sure what it is, I feel if I get it, I would be so happy, almost euphoric. I mean, I am happy now as who I am, I have worked so very hard to get to where I am at now. Then I got comfortable, too comfortable, and I stopped. I stopped moving forward. I stayed at where I have been the last couple years. I know it’s time to take on something more challenging and run forward. Maybe even fly. I know it’s time for the next adventure. Even I know there might be pain, there might be frustration, there might even be things that I don’t want them to happen to me again. I am wiling to take that risk and dive right in. Because, I know deep inside me, I need this to feel alive. I need this to live my life to the fullest. I need this to keep growing myself and then help others to grow as well. That is the purpose of my life.

I think I am ready. I am jumping right in to my next adventure now. How about you? Are you ready? Are you ready for your next adventure??

Have a blessed and perhaps, adventurous week ahead you all lovely readers out there!!