Category Archives: Beautiful Thoughts

La vie! You are a true blessing to me.

Life is a blessing to you and me!
Life is a blessing to you and me!
Sometimes it’s easy to take everything and everyone around you for granted:

The air and water, the sun and the wind, the trees and the parks, the space that we have and the shelter we live under;

The family, the parents, the friends, the colleagues, the boss, the clients, the students, the cashier at the store, the barrister at the coffee shop, the salesperson at the candle shop, the receptionist at the gym;

Even the people you don’t like, the people you disagree or cannot come to terms with, even those you actually hate or feel disgusted with;

Everything and everyone surrounds us is there for a reason, we should greet each one of them with joy and peace, with love and acceptance (or let them be that way).

When we live our lives with gratitude, we are much happier persons. Let us feel alive each moment every single day and take it all in! Life is truly wonderful this way!

Being alive is a real blessing. Once you start to understand and believe in it, you will start living your life to the fullest and make each moment count.

You all have a blessed and productive week ahead!

It’s all about choices

The choice that we make.
The choice that we make.

It’s all about choices.

It’s a choice to stay.
It’s a choice to leave.

It’s a choice to remember,
And a choice to forget.

It’s a choice to love.
It’s a choice to not to.

It’s a choice to hate,
And a choice to forgive.

It’s a choice to trust.
It’s a choice to disbelieve.

It’s a choice of faith,
And it’s a choice of doubt.

What is your choice today?

Live. Love. Matter.

Today I want to share with you all this message today:

Live. Love. Matter.

– by Brendon Burchard

I know, this guy might sound a bit repetitive and too energetic and positive to the point annoying at times, but hey, I think it really works, at least for him, and I believe for a lot of his readers like me as well.

His recurring idea is, “At the end of our lives, we are going to ask ourselves these three questions:”

Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

If you are going to watch only one video of his, this is it: here you go:
Brendon Burchard

(Anyway, the other videos of his are quite redundant after a while.)

I also found this other video on another website, but this site posts clearly the ten points from the video so if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing you can still benefit from reading the mina points quickly):

So, that’s what I have been thinking, what is my niche, what is my expertise, what should I be doing or changing to become bigger and more inspiring to other people and make a difference to the world?

It turns out I don’t have to move away from what I am already doing and what I already know. I only have to focus on it and become the expertise that everyone goes to.

And you know how I discovered that? I asked for help. By talking about it with other people who knows you and in the business, they helped me clarify my ideas. Instead of trying to figuring out all by myself in my head and do things on my own, I took time to clear my mind and discuss with others. That was such an awesome mind-blowing experience. Now I know what to do! Hurray!!

I believe everyone has a mission in life, only s/he hasn’t found out what it is yet. Keep searching, at the same time keep living. Focus on this moment, right here right now. When you worry too much about the future, it makes your head even more messed up. I’ve been there, done it, and am trying not to go there that often!

You all have a fantastic weekend, you lovely people out there! SelfWonder xoxo

Let things unfold in their own terms.


Should we trust our own instinct?

Sometimes I just feel like doing whatever I feel like doing. Or more than sometimes. More like a lot of the times. Other times I just try to control myself not doing the things I feel like doing because I feel they might be wrong and I might feel bad later after having them done.

Sometimes I wonder, what is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? Do others feel like this all the time too, all this ups and downs emotion like roller coaster? Or is it an excuse for being an artist, I just have to feel like this for the sake of my art?

I don’t know. I don’t really have an answer for that. I just want to feel more stable emotionally. But I do feel sometimes, when I am more calm emotionally with less ups and downs, my creativity suffers a little, or more than a little.

Anyway, that’s just the way life is, isn’t it?

Like the way it says in this book I’ve been reading, the Meditator’s Guide, that change is constant, so it’s part of my life to feel joyful and serene at times and lost and restless at the other. When we accept the constant change of state of mind and emotion instead of trying to stay always in happiness and contentment (because we can never been satisfied all the time, let’s face it), then we will have no more suffering, because we are not trying to be anything. We are just being us and accept the situation as is. Like when we miss someone but we do not want to keep thinking about them, if we force ourselves to not thinking about them, what happens is that we would keep thinking about them and start getting upset or even depressed about why we cannot stop thinking about these people! Instead we should just let this thought happen and watch it rise and fall as is. Just accept its presence, observe it and let it happen. Don’t try to control it. Eventually, you would find it leave quickly as well, much quicker than you try to push it away.

It’s the same for things that we want them to happen. When we keep thinking why they don’t happen just yet, we need to understand things sometimes do not happen at the time we want them to. Of course there are things we need to do sometimes to make the things we want to happen happen. But they still might appear at their own terms, since I am sure these things are not controlled by us who are not the only party of the whole situation here, as there are other parties involved in having those things we want to happen happen as well. So what we can do is to do our best in the situation and just wait. Wait for the other parties to respond and contribute to the situation and make it happen. And in the meantime, forget about when it’s going to happen. Simply let it unfold in its own term, because, sometimes, or most of the time really, when we force something to happen or even just happen earlier, when we desire, we suffer. When we want, we are dissatisfied when our needs are not met. So just try our best, and watch. Let things happen when their time comes. If they happen, great. If they don’t, we did not waste time in worrying about when they would happen between now and then, right?

I hope you all are having a peaceful and mindful week, my wonderful readers.

You will always be as strong as you want to be.

I’ve been reading this book I bought from my last adventure. It’s really amazing and I would share further with you later in the next post what it’s all about. But to make it brief, it’s about how you can drastically change your life with establishing a new habit in a small way. It’s a fascinating book to me and it’s called “The Power of Habit”. I can assure you it’s very different from all the other books on the same topic.

Anyhow, today I just want to share this line from one of the true stories from the book, and I wrote it down and took a photo of it here:

Truth be told.
Truth be told.

This line was quoted from a story about this guy who was brought up in a dysfunctional family : his parents were long-term drug addicts and he felt safer when they were high! He had seen his dad overdosed and had to take him to the hospital, when he was only 9 years’ old. He dropped out of high school to find a job and get away from his family (obviously a wise decision), at the beginning he had trouble holding on to his jobs (understandable) and he started wondering how he could manage his emotions and change for a better life. Eventually he got into working at the Starbucks and he became a manager of two branches overseeing 40 employees, had a stable income and pension plan, was debt free and never late to work. And this was the line when he told one of his staff who got upset by some mean customer.

I believe it’s so true. We can let ourselves be defeated by the situation we are in and people surrounding us trying to bully us and push us around, but we know we have the power to change and that with time and effort we can leave it/them for a better life. I have experienced a lot of that and every time I came out quicker and a stronger person. And I know you can too, because when you keep following my blog and reading my posts, I believe you want to better yourself every single day and be the change you want to see in your world!

I hope you all have a powerful and courageous week ahead! Xoxo

Focus on what you do want to happen

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading this post. I just want to share with you this article here:

30 Things You Should Stop Putting Yourself Through

I sincerely urge you to all read it. I find it as a fantastic reminder for me. Here are a few especially great points the writer makes:

Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be.

Stop holding grudges. – Don’t live your life with hate in your heart. You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate. Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.” It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”

The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists, it rewards people who get things done.

…making one person smile CAN change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.

And most importantly for me, these two sentences just shone in front of my eyes as I read along, the light bulb in my head immediately lit up:

Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy.

Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen. – Focus on what you do want to happen.

So there you go if you don’t have time to read the whole article – but, please do! I am sure you will find it useful too!

Have a wonderful weekend ahead you all lovely readers out there! xoxo 🙂

P.S. Here is a photo from my last adventure hehe ~

I Love Travel Time!
I Love Travel Time!

Love is not perfect, but the struggle makes it stronger.

To love or not to love, that is the question.
To love or not to love, that is the question.

I just want to say what’s on my mind about you and that’s it. You don’t have to do anything about it. Just please read this through.

I think when two person meet, there is a reason for that. There is already a connection between the two and there is a lesson to learn from each other. From our brief encounter I would say you can be a loving and caring person, but perhaps from your past experience you were hurt and you shut down easily when you encountered some initial failure during our meetings because you wanted to stop being hurt and feeling pain again. You have to know that you are not the only one who is afraid of that feeling. Being vulnerable in love and relationship can be the worst feeling in the world, but without it one will not be able to experience love in its true form. It is indeed a very scary thing. I am afraid of that feeling as well. But I also want to try again and have that true form of love again, no matter how much and/or if it’s going to hurt again. Well I am still scared of that but I am willing to take the risk with the right person.

I know you have the same question,
how do we know if that’s the right person? I don’t know for sure either. But like you said, if you feel that’s the right person, then that’s it. Maybe that’s it, I am not sure myself either. It can be anyone you feel s/he is, you just can never be sure until you really have tried your best to find out. After all, I think, love is a choice. But love is a feeling and faith as well. One has to be brave enough to take that leap of faith and jump right in, and be courageous enough to stick with it and work on it with the other person. Love is a wonderful feeling isn’t it?

You told me you felt empty. I did not forget about the reason why you felt so. But I want to tell you that you do not have to feel that way. You need to love yourself well first. You are a fine person and you really should know and address that in your mind. If you don’t know that then let me tell you again and again: you are a wonderful and loving person, please love yourself first, then start to love others, because you are full of love and are capable of giving and receiving love in return. If you really do not want to feel empty anymore, please, start loving yourself now and start loving the person you want to be in love with. Then, the love you will receive from the one you love shall fill your heart fully, because it is a love of interaction and co-dependence. It is a love of giving and receiving. It is a love of acceptance and forgiveness. It is a love in its true sense of form. Love between two person is not perfect, there is always struggle, we all have to accept that and work with that. But when we stand firm and deal with that struggle with our partner together, we make that love and bond stronger every single day and every single time we tackle a new obstacle. Or at least that is what I believe in.

So there you go. This is pretty much what I wanted to tell you. You gave me something that I thought I would never feel again. For that I thank you. Now good luck and have a good life. I wish you will find your true love. And myself mine as well.