Monthly Archives: January 2015


Does pain actually exist?

I feel it. Inside me. And It freaking hurts.

What is it? Where does it come from? How does it happen? How does it look like? That I don’t know, but for sure I know how it feels like.

I thought it had left me. Apparently not. Especially when there is something that triggers it to come back and haunt me from behind. It looms over me like a ghost, like a dark grey sky above me waiting to rain on me. Sometimes it does, all over my face, mostly around my eyes and down my chin.

Then I feel a cloud of grey mass inside my head. It forms a hard piece of brick that does not go away. I simply don’t know how to remove it away from inside my brain. I guess I can pour some alcohol over it to try to dissolve it. Best solution/dissolution is whiskey. The stronger the better.

I know you might think, oh keep whining, just one of those girly emotional crap, maybe happening around the time of every month. Well it might be true, but I am sure it exists, and it feels real. Even I can’t see it.

I shall go to bed, sleep on it, sleep over it, sleep on top of it, sleep away with it, sleep away from it, and forget about it when I get up tomorrow. And it will be another glorious day I am sure of it.

Good night people. Or good morning to you. Wherever and whenever you are, when you are reading this, I wish you an awesome day, full of blessings and gratitude, full of joy and love. Even if there is challenge, sorrow, sadness, grief, stress, agitation, anger, loss, know that there is someone for you, support you, be there for you. If not so ever, know that I am here for you. And go find that person just for you. You will have that person, because you deserve it. I know that as the truth because you have been reading my posts, and that just proves that you are a person full of compassion and love, love for yourself and for others.


SelfWonder xxx

A New Beginning

It’s just the fifth day of the new year. And I have already made some dramatic decisions. I really have decided solidly this time and stick to them this year. I hope it will help me achieve what I want myself and my life to be.

Forget about whatever happened in the past. Not just 2014. But the whole past. Leave anything you don’t want behind. And move forward. There is no better time than now, today, this very hour, this very minute. Take charge of your life and make yourself happy. Let others who want to make you happy come into your life. And let go of those who don’t. Because you deserve to be happy. Because you deserve the very best out of your precious beautiful wonderful life.

“It’s just the fifth day of the new year. ”
And it’s funny. I can also put it in another way:
“It’s already the fifth day of the new year.”
So I guess it depends on how you look at things. Or life.

Happy new year to you all, even it is just/already the fifth day of it. I wish you all have a wonderful year ahead full of beautiful adventure and surprises filled with happiness, wonder and Love.

Self Wonder x