Monthly Archives: October 2014

Take a break and keep going.

Sometimes. Life is hard. We stumble. We fall. We fail. We cry. We sleep. We lay awake. But, we have to continue. Because, if you stop, there will be nothing else tomorrow. Besides, you never know what lies ahead. And it can be something absolutely beautiful and amazing.

Keep going. You never know what lies ahead.
Keep going. You never know what lies ahead.

I have The Truth.

I Have The Truth.

“The truth. And nothing but the truth.”

The Truth.
The Truth.

I always said that. I only want the truth, no lies, no cheat, just honesty. Even if it was something I couldn’t bear to hear and know, I still rather had the truth.

But this morning, when I was walking along the street, with a cup of soya cappuccino in my left hand, trying to do nothing and think about nothing, and suddenly the Truth came into my mind. Hard and strong. Like a rock being violently thrown at my head, waking me up from a lifetime coma. Or a gigantic explosion inside my brain, breaking up and destroying all the myths and beliefs I had ever in my entire life.

The Truth finally arrived. Yet it was so hard to swallow, that I wished I never had it. And I don’t want to share it with you, because I want to protect you from it. I want you all to stay in The Grand Illusion of Things That Matter And Make You Happy Ever After. So please, don’t ask me what it is, let me bear all the suffering of it and you all enjoy that illusion.

I hope you all have a nice Life. Because from now on, mine has completely shifted. Now I need to take a moment – and I am not sure how long it would be – to let The Truth sink in, and then see how to deal with it. But I guess one thing to be certain is, I have nothing to fear about. After all I need to do or want to do, I can really retrieve to where I belong to…


You have to give in order to receive.

You have to give in order to receive.

It is true for every single aspect in life.

You have to water the plant for it to grow.

You have to read and study in order to learn and gain knowledge.

You have to act so that you gain experience.

You have to change so that others will change.

You have to change so that the world might change. At least your own world would change.

You have to set an example for others to have an example to look up to.

You have to lead so that others will follow.

You have to love in order to receive love.

What do you want to get today? Then do that first.


Sometimes …

Sometimes, I just want to be unconscious;
Or lie in the bed watching the day go by;
Sometimes, I wish I could sit on the floor and stay (e)motionless;
Or all of a sudden crumble down and cry;
Sometimes, I just want the time stand still and wait for that horrible feeling of emptiness to leave me alone;
Or I did not exist if ever, or at least went hibernate until I could see that tunnel of light yet again;
Sometimes. Just sometimes. I wish I were not me.
