I look forward to a beautiful tomorrow.

    Yummy breakfast to look forward to!!
    Yummy breakfast to look forward to!!

    Night falls. It’s time for bed.
    A full day of hard work is completed. Still feeling energetic, I know it’s time to go get rest and be ready for tomorrow.

    Indeed, recently in the last few days, I’ve been looking forward to go to bed early so that I can wake up the next day feeling energized and refreshed. And for some reason, perhaps healthier/cleaner diet and even more exercises, I feel so much more alive mentally and alert physically throughout the day and do not get tired as easily like I did before.

    But I think there is some other reason, and that is I’m starting to have clearer idea of what I want in my life.

    For the past year or two, I was merely going through the days instead of living them. Gradually, I was learning to understand what I did not want in life. Now, I am getting to know what I really want for myself in the future, and I am getting totally excited about making it happen, by trying new things and experiences. Of course, I still have my doubts and fear, that at times I just want to stop and quit trying. I have to admit that although I consider myself to be quite a brave person, sometimes I am still a bit scared. I worry about failing. What if it doesn’t work? Won’t I be wasting my time and effort into it? But deep inside I know, I want to keep trying and make it happen, no matter how hard it would be and how much time it might require to get there, I am still willing to see to it.

    You know why? Because I only have one life to live. Life is wasted when I spend too much time and effort on how I can do wrong instead of how I can make right, or at least make happen.

    So tonight I am grateful for what I’ve done today, that I’ve tried something new and made the most out of the day. Now I shall get rest and look forward to wake up to another beautiful tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day you all! X

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