La vie! You are a true blessing to me.

Life is a blessing to you and me!
Life is a blessing to you and me!
Sometimes it’s easy to take everything and everyone around you for granted:

The air and water, the sun and the wind, the trees and the parks, the space that we have and the shelter we live under;

The family, the parents, the friends, the colleagues, the boss, the clients, the students, the cashier at the store, the barrister at the coffee shop, the salesperson at the candle shop, the receptionist at the gym;

Even the people you don’t like, the people you disagree or cannot come to terms with, even those you actually hate or feel disgusted with;

Everything and everyone surrounds us is there for a reason, we should greet each one of them with joy and peace, with love and acceptance (or let them be that way).

When we live our lives with gratitude, we are much happier persons. Let us feel alive each moment every single day and take it all in! Life is truly wonderful this way!

Being alive is a real blessing. Once you start to understand and believe in it, you will start living your life to the fullest and make each moment count.

You all have a blessed and productive week ahead!

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