Purpose of My Life

I believe finally, I have found the purpose of my life.

And unbelievably, or almost ironically, it has been what I have been doing and passionate about the whole time in the past few years, in the last decade, or perhaps, even as long as I remember when I start living my life…


As I was trying to write this post on my phone, I saw I dropped down a few points on a note some time ago:

Create community
Do something people want not just out of personal interest

I don’t recall where I read the points above from, but I do think about things like this, all, the, time. Seriously, all the time, I ask myself, what is the purpose of my life if any? What do I live for? How do I live my life to the fullest and make the most out of it so that I can influence people and contribute to the world?

What I found was, most people won’t even think about these things. “What do you mean by purpose? It’s just life.” “Be happy.” “Earn more money and make my life better.” “Build a family. Have kids.” “Go to work. Get paid. Go party and spend money and have a good time, like most people do.”

I think what had stopped me from moving forward with what I had been doing was that I had a question about the last point: do something people want but not just out of personal interest. The thing that I have been passionate about is not very mainstream, so I thought maybe if I really wanted to make a difference then I should do something else, something that most people could relate to, something that could inspire and change the lives of people for the better.


Recently, I had a life crisis : not exactly a midlife one but perhaps close to, because it had come to the point that I felt like I desperately needed to make a drastic change in my career so that I could become who I truly wanted, to be more influential in other people’s lives and a more important person in the world. I felt like I could not waste my life ahead any longer, probably because I did in the past years/life, on sulking on my sad childhood and unlucky experiences, on moaning why life and people didn’t treat me better. Now that I have a new positive wonderful life, I absolutely need to start living well every single minute…

So I started to think hard, “what should I really do? What should I change?” It drove my crazy because I couldn’t figure out if this or that approach would be good, there were just so many things I thought I needed to do, but there was so little time to do everything at the same time!! Then I did this amazing thing that usually didn’t happen to me: I talked to almost every single person I met, and even called up some friend that I hadn’t seen for long time but I felt he could help me. And you know what? He did. He showed me what had been important to me and what I should focus on doing to make myself a better career and a better person, and that was what I had been working on intensely in the past few years! The conversation just cleared up my head and made me all so excited about what I had to keep doing, only with more focus and diligence, which I was more than happy to devote to my career and life.

Maybe it’s not really him who showed me the way, but it’s him who clarified my thoughts. For that I thank him tremendously. And so here we go, I am back on track to continue to serve the purpose of my life, to guide, educated and inspire others, with such work I feel grateful and truly content every single day.

I hope you all have a purposeful and fulfilling week ahead!

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