Hold on to what you believe in and keep going !

NOW is the time to make what you want happen!
NOW is the time to make what you want happen!

Today I had a little chat with a friend, and she said to me, “my friend told me, if there’s one thing that keeps coming back to you in your mind that just seems not going away, then you know, it is something you truly want to do and make it happen.”

I have been having thoughts about a project that I want to do. Every time when I ask myself, “what is the one thing you truly want to make it happen?” And the idea of this project just pops up in my head. Sometimes I have doubts about it. I wonder, this is so hard to do, should I do it? Am I, me, capable of making this happen?

A friend said to me the other day when I asked him about this project, “you know, we are all going to get old and die some day, so there is no time in wasting thinking about if this is going to work or not. Just take the chance and try it out. At least you have tried if it really doesn’t work.” I guess he is right about that. We only have one life to live no? Why don’t we take the chance in everything we’ve been given to? I do think there is a reason when we encounter certain things and people in different stages of life, and there is a purpose in each of our own lives that we have to live up to. When we believe they we have found that purpose and our niche, that’s it. We have to keep pushing forward and own it. As I quoted before in my previous post, live the charged life that always take us out of our comfort zone a bit, just a bit is enough.

I shall keep my faith on what I believe in and keep going.

My dear readers, what is the one thing you truly believe in and want to make it happen so badly?

I hope you all have a great weekend ahead.

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