You will always be as strong as you want to be.

You will always be as strong as you want to be! SelfWonder x

Self Wonder

I’ve been reading this book I bought from my last adventure. It’s really amazing and I would share further with you later in the next post what it’s all about. But to make it brief, it’s about how you can drastically change your life with establishing a new habit in a small way. It’s a fascinating book to me and it’s called “The Power of Habit”. I can assure you it’s very different from all the other books on the same topic.

Anyhow, today I just want to share this line from one of the true stories from the book, and I wrote it down and took a photo of it here:

Truth be told. Truth be told.

This line was quoted from a story about this guy who was brought up in a dysfunctional family : his parents were long-term drug addicts and he felt safer when they were high! He had…

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