I care, I do.


I care, I do.

I do care about you, my dear.

I want you to know that I am always here for you, even you are not there for me in return most of the time.

I want to show you that I care for you, even you might not care that I do.

Don’t you know, l want you to show me that you care for me too, because, I feel, you do, at least a little?…

People say, they don’t have to spend time with those they care that much that frequently, as long as they are there for them, because they are too busy with their own daily lives. I say that’s nonsense. If you don’t spend time with those you love and say that you care, they would not know you do concern about them.

One should never be too busy for those s/he loves.

So, let me tell you this once again, I do care about you very much, and I hope you do too. And if you still care about me, I will continue to show you my love, my support and my care towards you. I will let you know I am always here whenever you need me. Because, I love you, my dear, I truly do.

But you have to tell me you love me too. Do you?…

Relationship of any kind is a two-way street. It takes both ends to make it happen. If you stay, I am in. But if you don’t want it, I am out.

I am still here for you. Just tell me that you need me too.

I care, I do.


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