
That's what they teach kids aged 3-7. But what about adults?
That’s what they teach kids aged 3-7. But what about adults?

Nowadays I find it hard to meet someone who is trustworthy. And yet I consider myself to be one of the rare ones.

Sometimes I wonder, why are people being so dishonest? Is there any reason to it? Perhaps people are insecure; they don’t want to be vulnerable and reveal their true feelings. Perhaps they are trying to protect themselves from getting hurt. Or perhaps, they just want to be jerks and think if they can cheat people with their lies they have won the game.

Some defend for themselves and say, “oh, but it’s just a little white lie, sure it doesn’t hurt anyone really. Let’s just call it a ‘misdemeanor’.” Hmm, really? A “misdemeanor”?

Okay, I get it. I lie sometimes too. I get insecure that I am not sure if people would accept me as I am, based on the circumstance I am in or with the evidence I am trying to hide. But still, I understand perfectly that I am hiding something from someone and I am lying right in front of his/her face. That’s not a good feeling. Or, maybe it’s just me, who would feel bad not disclosing the correct information to those I interact with. What can I say? I treasure honesty. And I like the feeling of having no reservation between me and the person I call “friend”.

So, lie all you want, people. But I would not include you in my circle of trust.

And seriously, is there anyone out there who is honest and trustworthy??…

4 thoughts on “Honesty

  1. That’s what the adults forget. The thing which they teach to their children, first has to be implied on themselves.

    1. Yes, you are absolutely right about that! The adults don’t even remember to do it and set as an example to the children yet they try to teach them… That’s why I believe in integrity so much and try to set a right example as much as I possibly can šŸ™‚

      1. You are doing a great job and keep up the same intensity. May God bless you and give you more energy to encourage your efforts. Thank you for your thoughts.

  2. Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement! I will keep up with my work and passion here. May God bless you and keep you as well. Have a fruitful and inspiring year ahead! šŸ™‚

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