My new year resolution


Last night I had a nice dinner and chat with a friend who just got back from a long holiday.  During the dinner, he told me that he read a survey about new year resolutions of 2014 and the number one choice that the readers made was health. He said he also agreed with the choice. Then he asked me, “What is your new year resolution?”

I paused. At first I thought, right, perhaps it was health as well. But then I thought again.

I believed, at least to a certain extent,  I could control this aspect. At least,  I could maintain my health as much as possible.

But love,  I could not. I could not control when it came or went.

At the end, I did not answer his question. Yet I decided later, deep in my heart, that I hoped for love to come by this year. I hoped for a love that would bring out the best in me and propel me to move forward, at the same time shelter me with its safe harbor when I fell. It might happen with one or more than one person. It might be from a partner, or friends, or family. It sure would happen when or even from whom I least expected.

Therefore, my new year resolution of 2014 is love. And I believe in all my willpower that it will come true.

2 thoughts on “My new year resolution

  1. Thank you very much, I’am really glad that I’m following you. I’m still figuring out. Just wanted to say that you are an awesome blogger. greetings from Gede Prama 😉

    1. Thank you Gede Prama for your comment of and appreciation in my writing. The first ever comment of my blog, You really made my day! I am so glad you are following me, let me follow you as well. Let’s have a great rest new start in 2014 together!! Cheers, Self Wonder 😀

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