Monthly Archives: January 2014

Life shall reward me with a new hello.

Goodbye! And HELLO!!
Goodbye! And HELLO!!

I believe sometimes, in order to move on, you have to give up on those – people or things – that don’t serve your life anymore.

And by that I mean, clean cut.

There should be no connection whatsoever.

Like my favorite writer Paulo Coelho always says, “if you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

I think I was used to be scared, even when I thought I was quite brave myself, that at times I was afraid of being alone, afraid of facing the consequence of completely giving up on the things which and people whom I had been attached to, even I knew deep in my heart that they never deserved much of my attention and effort to care about and connect with.

But you know how I knew it was the right decision to give them all up? It was the moment when I felt there was a part of my brain that got cleared up, I could literally feel it so light in my head, like a heavy load of lead being removed and I could see that clean space in my head that now could be used to create something new and beautiful! Certainly, before that critical moment, there was this brief period of time that I felt completely sad and lost when my brain finally registered the fact that I was completely done with those people and things, but, it was a tremendously short interval and I got over it rather quickly without even having to try at all. Then, I understood perfectly that it was the right thing to do, and it was the right way to treat myself. I needed to love myself first before loving others and receiving love in return. I needed that clear space of my mind that was once blocked but now ready for use to pursue the dream I had always had.

Now my head and heart are both light and clear. Now I am ready to give and receive love. Now I am all set to pursue my dream. And I am truly excited! In fact, I have been feeling some changes already, and perhaps even receiving something beautiful…

I wish you all have a great week ahead, a beautiful week of hopes and dreams coming true! 😀


Love the work you do and be passionate with the life you live!
Love the work you do and be passionate with the life you live!


Blissful is how I feel today. 

I feel blessed to be talented in and passionate with what I do. Sometimes when I sit there during my work, I have this sudden surge of grateful feeling inside me, and I just want to say out loud, “Thank you God for this work of mine!” Sometimes I feel so touched by this bliss that I almost want to cry,  haha.. 

That’s it for this post.  I just want to share with you all that it’s great to do what you love. Then you would not mind working one day at all in your life,  as in this case of mine 🙂

I hope you all have a truly blissful day, you beautiful people out there.


I love you like the sunshine.

I need you like the sunshine. The sunshine is what I need in my life.
I need you like the sunshine. The sunshine is what I need in my life.

I love you like the sunshine.

Like the sunshine, I need you, every minute of my life.

I need you like the sunshine, to glow inside of me. To keep me warm, out and inside.

I know you are there, behind the clouds when it rains.

I know you are in the sky, even when it is dark outside.

I need to know that you are there for me, even when I can’t see where you are.

I need you like the sunshine. Please stay with me as long as I live, as long as I live in this life of mine.

Core Values

Today I laughed hard when someone said to me, “oh, you are a traditional person.”

Me? Traditional?

To me, being traditional means being conservative, holding onto old rotten rules with no bending to anything or anyone whatsoever. Being traditional is the opposite to being creative, inspiring and innovative. Being traditional is OLD. No, I am not and don’t want that at all!

Being an artist, I always want something new, something inspiring, something exciting that it sparks the deepest passion inside me so that I can create the biggest masterpiece ever.
That’s why I always try to defy the tradition and go for non-conventional ways of doing my things and living my life.

But that also means I am on an emotional roller coaster sometimes, and am able to experience lots of ups and downs, as well as overwhelming joy and utmost sadness in a short period of time.

As I wrote in the previous post, I am ready for a new life this year. I realize that, in order to inspire and create something great, I need something stable in my life. Something strong and steady enough for me to lean on emotionally and spiritually when I feel shaky and uncertain inside. I do want stability. And I treasure some core values that are considered to be “traditional” to most these days.

For one thing, I treasure family. A lot. Although unfortunately my bond with my family is not strong, no matter how hard I have been trying.

For another, I treasure true friendship. I do not call everyone I know “friends”. Most I call them “acquaintances”. There are very few I consider them as friends and for them I would do anything.

I detest superficiality and treasure deep connection with people.

I treasure honesty, sincerity and integrity.

I treasure love.

One time someone whatsapped me, “who needs real love?”. I immediately blocked him. I think I do not know that person.

Everyone needs real love. Only s/he denies it, or has not found it.

By real love I don’t confine to just romantic love, but love from family, love from friends, love from colleagues, love from students.

I want love. I love love. Call me old-fashioned. If that defines me to be traditional, so be it. I AM traditional for love. I want an unrealistic unconditional love. I don’t know if I am giving anyone that and will ever receive it from anyone, but I hope I will have at least one opportunity in my life time to do so.

Then, I shall truly have no regrets in my life.

Thank you for calling me traditional today, my Friend and Mentor. I deeply appreciate this new discovery of myself, because from today onwards I shall have a different outlook of myself and to others with this new piece of information 🙂

It's the 40th anniversary of my church!
It’s the 40th anniversary of my church!

My intention of the day

Gorgeous day! Enjoying cappuccino and writing in park
Gorgeous day!

I set my intention for today, in this early morning of cool breeze and clear sky

I thank God for a wonderful start of the day: a hot and clean water shower, a delicious and fulfilling cup of cappuccino, and most important of all, beautiful and warming sunshine.

I thank God for a sound mind and a healthy body today.

I am grateful for all the talents and ability that God has given me.

I promise to do good today, to write and educate, to create and inspire, to give and receive.

Now I shall enjoy the rest of my cappuccino and the beautiful nature that surrounds me here before getting back to the work that I love!

What a beautiful day. What a beautiful life. I am grateful and thankful of everything.

Amen/Namaste 🙂

Children flying kites in park
Children flying kites in park


That's what they teach kids aged 3-7. But what about adults?
That’s what they teach kids aged 3-7. But what about adults?

Nowadays I find it hard to meet someone who is trustworthy. And yet I consider myself to be one of the rare ones.

Sometimes I wonder, why are people being so dishonest? Is there any reason to it? Perhaps people are insecure; they don’t want to be vulnerable and reveal their true feelings. Perhaps they are trying to protect themselves from getting hurt. Or perhaps, they just want to be jerks and think if they can cheat people with their lies they have won the game.

Some defend for themselves and say, “oh, but it’s just a little white lie, sure it doesn’t hurt anyone really. Let’s just call it a ‘misdemeanor’.” Hmm, really? A “misdemeanor”?

Okay, I get it. I lie sometimes too. I get insecure that I am not sure if people would accept me as I am, based on the circumstance I am in or with the evidence I am trying to hide. But still, I understand perfectly that I am hiding something from someone and I am lying right in front of his/her face. That’s not a good feeling. Or, maybe it’s just me, who would feel bad not disclosing the correct information to those I interact with. What can I say? I treasure honesty. And I like the feeling of having no reservation between me and the person I call “friend”.

So, lie all you want, people. But I would not include you in my circle of trust.

And seriously, is there anyone out there who is honest and trustworthy??…


My new life starts today.
My new life starts today.

Today, I decided. I decided, I am ready. I am ready for this drastic change. I am ready for my new life.

I know, I know I had said to myself many times, I would change today. I would persist for a few days, a week, or two, and then I slipped back to my old self. But, I must add, I did make some changes for good, however gradually painful it had been.

For one thing, I was being too nice to those around me, most of them did not deserve my nicety at all. What can I say? I was being a jerk to myself, and I might as well deserve that, because, no one could make me harm myself more than I let myself hurt me.

Finally, I decided today, once and for all, I would do this to myself, that I am ready for this big change. I deserve a new life, and I am ready for it. TODAY

So, mark my words, as of January 11, 2014. I AM READY.



Just Believe!

When there is love, there is life.
When there is love, there is life.

Just believe.

It’s not something superstitious. It’s not irrational. It’s Faith. It’s Trust. It’s Love.

Just believe in something of a higher cause. If you don’t believe in God, you can still believe in Music. Believe in Beauty. Believe in Love. Your Love and Passion for what you love to do and enjoy, and achieve.

Think Positive. Think Now. Think you have the Power to make it happen. And Believe in it. Throw away those negative thoughts and stay away from those negative people that don’t serve you, ever. Bring in the new positive thoughts. Connect to the positive people who guide, inspire and encourage you. Together you form a circle of positive energy that drives you forward and brings out the best and the most beautiful in you. You don’t have to just wish for it, because it is here NOW with you.

Believe in the Power of Positivity. Believe in the Power in You.

My new year resolution


Last night I had a nice dinner and chat with a friend who just got back from a long holiday.  During the dinner, he told me that he read a survey about new year resolutions of 2014 and the number one choice that the readers made was health. He said he also agreed with the choice. Then he asked me, “What is your new year resolution?”

I paused. At first I thought, right, perhaps it was health as well. But then I thought again.

I believed, at least to a certain extent,  I could control this aspect. At least,  I could maintain my health as much as possible.

But love,  I could not. I could not control when it came or went.

At the end, I did not answer his question. Yet I decided later, deep in my heart, that I hoped for love to come by this year. I hoped for a love that would bring out the best in me and propel me to move forward, at the same time shelter me with its safe harbor when I fell. It might happen with one or more than one person. It might be from a partner, or friends, or family. It sure would happen when or even from whom I least expected.

Therefore, my new year resolution of 2014 is love. And I believe in all my willpower that it will come true.