The case of a headphone

Human beings are very self-centred, and depending on their nationalities/tribes/upbringing, they can be even more so in terms of the levels of selfishness.

And that, not only is scary, but is also dangerous at times even for others.

I was on the plane this afternoon, with it landing in 30 minutes. There had been an ongoing turbulence going on for the past 15 minutes (and believe me, a pretty big one, most probably due to thunderstorm), and the stewardess was announcing every 3 minutes asking the passengers to fasten their seat belts and not using the bathroom. All of a sudden, there was this woman starting to yell and make a scene (quite an ugly one). She was complaining that there was no one coming to serve her; all she wanted was a headphone, which I guessed was so extremely crucial for her to such degree that she could not wait to get it before the half-hour journey before the landing no matter there was a serious turbulence out there and everyone’s life might be at stake. Eventually she got up ignoring the announcement and went yelled at one of the stewards sitting at the back of the plane (not because they were lazy but they were supposed to do so during a turbulence), only to be asked to get back to her seat. Of course, eventually the steward came bring her the precious headphone she so needed and asked her to “please calm down”.

Okay, perhaps the turbulence was not so serious. But, think about it, if everyone just ignored others’ safety and only focused on their own desire and do whatever they wanted, if everyone just suddenly wanted a headphone or went to the bathroom even when there was a turbulence, then, might be, just might be, it could become an absolute chaos and there would really be a danger on the plane right there. And so you know, we were high up in the sky, and people could lose their lives here.

If I were anyone working on the plane, I might just tie her up until the plane landed in order to ensure other passengers’ safety.

And I really wanted to tell her:

“Please do not be selfish and be understanding and considerate to others instead.”

What I want to say here is, we as human beings should care more about others and be considerate towards those around us, so that this world can be a safer, calmer and happier place for ourselves as well as other people.

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