Monthly Archives: October 2013

The case of a headphone

Human beings are very self-centred, and depending on their nationalities/tribes/upbringing, they can be even more so in terms of the levels of selfishness.

And that, not only is scary, but is also dangerous at times even for others.

I was on the plane this afternoon, with it landing in 30 minutes. There had been an ongoing turbulence going on for the past 15 minutes (and believe me, a pretty big one, most probably due to thunderstorm), and the stewardess was announcing every 3 minutes asking the passengers to fasten their seat belts and not using the bathroom. All of a sudden, there was this woman starting to yell and make a scene (quite an ugly one). She was complaining that there was no one coming to serve her; all she wanted was a headphone, which I guessed was so extremely crucial for her to such degree that she could not wait to get it before the half-hour journey before the landing no matter there was a serious turbulence out there and everyone’s life might be at stake. Eventually she got up ignoring the announcement and went yelled at one of the stewards sitting at the back of the plane (not because they were lazy but they were supposed to do so during a turbulence), only to be asked to get back to her seat. Of course, eventually the steward came bring her the precious headphone she so needed and asked her to “please calm down”.

Okay, perhaps the turbulence was not so serious. But, think about it, if everyone just ignored others’ safety and only focused on their own desire and do whatever they wanted, if everyone just suddenly wanted a headphone or went to the bathroom even when there was a turbulence, then, might be, just might be, it could become an absolute chaos and there would really be a danger on the plane right there. And so you know, we were high up in the sky, and people could lose their lives here.

If I were anyone working on the plane, I might just tie her up until the plane landed in order to ensure other passengers’ safety.

And I really wanted to tell her:

“Please do not be selfish and be understanding and considerate to others instead.”

What I want to say here is, we as human beings should care more about others and be considerate towards those around us, so that this world can be a safer, calmer and happier place for ourselves as well as other people.

Accept and Love Yourself Well.

Last night, I had a conversation with my friend, and he mentioned about this feeling of guilt he had all his life, about how he could have done better for those around him.

Tonight, as I thought about his words, it suddenly dawned on me that I might have had a similar feeling about myself.

I had always felt that I was not good enough and could have been better in various aspects of my life.

I could have done better at school, finished my doctorate degree, earned more money and provided my parents a better living. Or studied in another field and had a more socially acceptable/respectable work, married a husband, and made my family proud.

I could have been smarter, prettier, and more friendly with others.

I could have expressed myself better and more openly towards those I cared.

So many could haves.

Then I realised, what’s with all these could haves?? Why did I have to live in the past??

Maybe it’s true that I could have done better and more, but past is the past and there’s nothing I could do about it now.

And if I kept dwelling in this past, I would not be able to focus on the present, which is all that matter.

So I decided, I shall accept the way I am, be proud of who I am, and love myself exactly as I am right here right now.

I shall maintain good physical, mental and spiritual health, keep myself sane and in line.

This is the only way to live in the present, so that I can focus on what I can do and achieve now, and work on whatever my heart desires.

And I shall do my best for myself and those who need me (one of the many ways includes maintaining this blog here), with all the strength and intelligence that I have now.

Then my life will be well lived.

For those who still think you are guilty of what you could have done better in the past, I sincerely urge you to move on, because you need to accept yourself and love yourself fully before you can do great things and love others, and in return receive love from them.

Live in the present, make your life count, and your effort will be worthwhile.

Gals’ Night Out!

Sometimes girls just need to forget about boys and go out having fun with the same gender and that gender alone.

It might still involve conversation about the other gender (and usually it does..!).

But anyway, girls can enjoy dressing up, going to a fancy restaurant, sipping some delicious cocktails, and have a blast together.

And enjoy some compliments (verbal or visual) from the new kids on the block. Which is a pretty good feeling.

It’s totally refreshing.

Let’s have a toast to all the beautiful gals out there!!


Sing Praise to Your Health!

I think I appreciate my life more when I am sick.

Because when I am sick, I know how precious life especially is when I am healthy; I can eat well and go out n’ about easily.

When I am sick, people come concern about me and take care of me; I know I am well supported and I am loved.

When my health is jeopardized, I realize I might not continue to live any time of any day/week/month/year, that I should take better care of my body and live my life with purpose and no regret.

Life is a journey, not a means to an end. I better enjoy every single minute of it. I want to fill my life with vibrant colors of joy and contentment.

Now I must start devoting more time and concern into my physical health.

Good night / Good day, my lovely readers.


About Time.

Last night I went to see the movie “About Time.”

It turned out to be a great movie, about life.

It reminded me how we should spend and enjoy every minute of our lives well, so that there will be no regret.

Because, even when we look back, we cannot change anything.

Or, because we have lived and appreciated every single minute fully that, even when we look back, we understand that everything, good or bad, happens for a reason and contributes to shape our lives, for the better.

So there is no need to change anything at all.

It’s about time for me to create a better world for myself.

And maybe with others that I love and care about.

How about you?
