Let’s Make MIRACLES in Our Lives NOW!

I think there are things we need to resolve from our past.

If they are not resolved, they will continue to stay and affect us. And it’s not healthy.

Yet if we decide to resolve and move on, we can become better person and live a happy and healthy life.

I too have too much baggage from the past. And I am resolving them one by one. Now I am much lighter in my heart, mind and soul.

And now I can see more of the truth. Truth about life, about the path I walk upon.

Don’t feel guilty or sad about your past. You have indeed tried your best.

You cannot change the past, but you can change the present.

You can do better NOW. Focus on the present, or else it will become the past too.

Most important is to LOVE.

Love yourself and love others.

And try not to do harm to others.

I think that’s it.

Be POSITIVE and HAPPY. Feel the CALM in your heart.

Let’s make MIRACLES in our lives NOW!

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