Monthly Archives: December 2012

A Story about a Girl

This is a story about a girl. And it goes like this:

Once upon a time there was a girl. She was brutally abused, emotionally and spiritually.

She did not think much about this all along. But she was always depressed and frustrated.

Many years had passed. Music had been  her savior, giving her much joy, life and satisfaction. Nonetheless, the scars from her childhood remained. She always wanted to be the best. At the same time she judged herself if she was good enough. There was always something that she could do better. At least that was what she thought to be. When something was wrong or did not happen as she expected to be, she would ask herself if it was her to blame, if it was her responsibility to fix it. And it seemed that nothing or no one was up to her expectation.

Many more years had passed. The pain grew bigger and deeper.  Then it came to that one day when she could not take it anymore, that the pain was so big that she felt like she just could not go on. She suddenly realized that she had to fix this. She had to take away this pain. So she started to face her pain, her fear.

She needed Connection.

She needed Connection to take away this pain. That Connection was the way for her to appreciate what was going on around. That she was not alone and could do whatever she decided to. That she was worth something. That she was good enough. That she was needed for her mission in life. That she was useful to others around her. She started to feel connection that led her to appreciate people and things around her. That she was not fixated on one spot of the whole big picture. That she was loved and appreciated.

She started to live again. She found herself again. Or rather, she was born again. A brand new her appeared.

And she hoped she stayed. She hoped she stayed.

Inspirational Quotes 6

To appreciate has two meanings: one is to say “thank you” for something and two is to grow.

If we appreciate the good in our nature, in our inclinations, if we appreciate that part of our nature, it will appreciate and we will have more of it.
The optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness, because then you are leading by example.
People mostly do what you do, but not what you say.
If you want to spread happiness, be the change you want to see in the world. By example.

Random Thoughts 1

I had sat here. Many a times.

Half of those times, I was with someone else. Different people.

The other half of them, I was alone.

Half of those times, I was sad. Crying. Full of pain.

The other of them, I was calm. Smiling. As contented as I could ever be. Whether I was alone or with someone. Half of the times I was suffering. The other half, rejoicing.

No matter I was alone or with someone. I still felt empty. Hollow inside. Something was missing.  Something inside me was lacking.  I wondered what that was. I had certainly looked for it. Searched for it. Gone after it. Thought that was what I needed to fill up that space inside me. At first they all seemed to fit, and I kept them there filled with rejoice.  But after a while, three years, three months, three weeks, they seemed to erode. They struggled with the boundary of that empty space. They twisted and turned inside that space. They had to get out of that space. Or I had to take them out, all so reluctantly and disappointedly.